Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Brandi Glanville's Guy Troubles: "Kill The GF Or The Ex BF"

Brandi Glanville is having guy issues.

On Wednesday, the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star took to Twitter where she shared her heartache over a recent boyfriend's actions.

"My ex BF tells me he loves me, we basically have sex with our clothes on & now 2 wks later says he has GF the girl he cheated on me with! #book3," Glanville wrote, revealing that the mystery man has given her material for her next book.

"My life is straight drama!!!" Glanville continued.

As a divorcee, Glanville's life certainly has its challenges, but she's done an amazing job turning those challenges into dollars.

Following her highly-publicized divorce from Eddie Cibrian, Glanville landed on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, and as the drama between them played out, she landed a book deal. Then, one year later, Glanville landed her second book deal, which was equally as successful as the first, and quickly landed on the New York Times Bestsellers List.

"My life sounds like a reality show! :) what to do…Kill the GF or the ex BF!!! Soooooo many choices," Glanville added.

Photo via Twitter

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